Whimsical Garden

When were you last whimsical?

Whimsical Garden

In this whimsical garden, I often play,
Cinnamon winds brush away my day.
Laughter coats the curling brown leaves,
A whisper of winter floats upon the breeze.

Fears whisper from an echoing heart,
Until I remember where such fears start.
Like the cloud covered sky hiding the sun,
Fears hide the light, each and every one.

Dance with me in this garden, its so wild!
Be whimsical today, let's play like a child!
Cinnamon dreams will coat our smiles,
Laughter will be heard for miles and miles.

This garden is where our stresses fade,
Let's lose track, giggle, lie in the shade.
Cinnamon clouds, harmoniously sweet,
In every movement, we feel complete.

Dance with me in this garden, its so wild!
Be whimsical today, let's play like a child!
Cinnamon dreams will coat our smiles,
Laughter will be heard for miles and miles.

Grasp my hand tightly, don’t hesitate,
Let this become an ongoing date.
Cinnamon skies scatter to set us free!
This is where our souls have longed to be.

Dance with me in this garden, its so wild!
Be whimsical today, let's play like a child!
Cinnamon dreams will coat our smiles,
Laughter will be heard for miles and miles.

In this whimsical garden, together we'll find,
Cinnamon’s warmth, soothing the mind.
Together, we’ll float on this gentle breeze,
Lost in the wonders of whimsical trees.

"Like many of my posts, this one was triggered from a #creative365 #vss365 and #NAlove word prompt. I love how prompts create something you may have never have created without them pushing you in that direction. I wanted this creation to give you a hopeful and warm feeling, one of play and joy. The only trouble is I created two songs and didn't know which to choose and so I chose both. Here is the B-Side. Which one do you prefer?"