Unplanned Breakfast

Life is what you make it...

Unplanned Breakfast

Hugging life's bowl and watching it come up,
I lurch forward again and again, wiping my mouth.
Oxygen escapes my lungs as I float on memories...
Did my past happen, or was god just changing channels?

Most mornings, as fragments of yoke leak from the sky,
I gaze at where the sun was and where the clouds grin...

What will I do this fine and pleasant day? I have no plans!
I'll slam the stained cast iron pan on the damn ceramic stove!
I'll marry eggs and bacon together as one partnership!
And on this day ...


I will feast with joy on my unplanned breakfast.
And I will feel content for whatever remains unsolved.

"This creation is teaching you to throw away any bad vibes and use the soul powers of choice and perspective to turn the current moment into something extraordinarily enjoyable"