This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!

"Face your fears and say, 'This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!': Let your soul lead!!" CJB

cjb artwork of man happily jumping into butterflies in blue skies

In the realm of personal growth and overcoming our fears, we often encounter situations that trigger our deepest anxieties. Whether it's a visit to the dentist, facing a job interview, or any other scenario that sends our heart racing, the natural response is often one of dread. But what if we could reframe this fear into something positive? What if, instead of letting our 'human animal mind ego' dictate our reactions, we could empower our soul's perspective? This is where the transformative phrase, "This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!" comes into play.

Imagine you're sitting in the waiting room of your dentist's office, your palms sweaty, your mind racing with all the worst-case scenarios. The usual script in your head might be something like, "This is going to be terrible," or "I hate this so much." Now, pause for a moment. Take a deep breath and, with conviction, say out loud, "This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!" It might feel strange at first, even a bit forced, but this simple act of verbal affirmation is powerful.

Why does this work? Our minds are incredibly suggestible. When we repeatedly tell ourselves something negative, we reinforce that fear. However, by consciously choosing to voice a positive affirmation, we begin to shift our internal narrative. This isn't about denying the reality of the situation or the discomfort it might bring; it's about changing our relationship with it. By saying, "This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!" you're not just speaking to the air; you're speaking through your soul, reminding your human form that growth often comes from facing our fears.

This technique leverages the power of your soul's awareness over the often overactive, fear-inducing human ego which "THINKS" it knows best, after all it is the EGO, right? Wrong. When we say this phrase, we're essentially telling our ego, "Thank you for trying to protect me, but I've got this." It's a way of diluting the anxiety-fueled thoughts that our ego conjures up, replacing them with a soulful perspective that sees opportunity in challenge.

Let's take another example: an interview. The thought of being judged, of potentially failing, can be paralyzing. But what if you walked into that interview room, looked at the chair you're about to sit in, and said, "This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!"? You're not only calming your nerves but also setting the stage for a positive outcome. You're aligning your energy with the possibility of success, learning, and growth, rather than failure.

This practice isn't about pretending everything is perfect or that fear doesn't exist. It's about acknowledging our fears and choosing to see beyond them. By vocalizing this affirmation, we're training our minds to associate these challenging situations with potential benefits, like overcoming a phobia, gaining confidence, or achieving a personal goal.

So, the next time you find yourself on the brink of an anxiety-inducing event, try this out. Say it with me, "This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!" Feel the shift within you as you speak. Notice how your perspective begins to change, how the weight of fear lightens, and how your soul starts to guide you towards a more peaceful and empowered state.

Remember, this approach is in harmony with the ethos of CJB | Creative Soul Coaching. It's about awakening today, using the power of everything at our disposal—including our words—to live through our soul, where true happiness and peace reside. Embrace this practice, let it become part of your daily life, and watch as your relationship with fear transforms.

Let's start today, together, in this journey towards soul happiness, where every challenge becomes an opportunity, and every fear, a stepping stone.

Ready to awaken today? 🌈 Start by facing your next challenge with this powerful affirmation. Share your experiences in the comments below, and let's support each other in this soulful journey.

And remember, for me, writing this for you, well, "This Is The Best Thing To Happen To Me—TODAY!"

PS: I used this today going to the dentist. It worked wonders. Had a lovely visit. Felt like a mini holiday. The only way this will not work is if you do not understand it fully, hence I am here for you. Just ask if you don't get stuff....