There Are No Stars Anymore...
"In the absence of stars, seek the light within; for the universe expands, and so does your soul" CJB
There are no stars anymore,
Yet in the darkness, we find light;
The soul's glow, an inner core,
A beacon in the dead of night.
No celestial jewels in sight,
But look within, there's more to see;
A universe of pure delight--
Where happiness and peace can be.
Each breath becomes a star anew,
Each smile, a constellation's birth;
In the canvas of the night, you--
Can find the joy of living's worth.
The sky might hide its ancient lore,
But we're the stars, shining today;
From soul to soul, love's open door--
Where kindness and creativity play.
So when the heavens seem to wane,
Remember, starlight's in your heart;
Your soul's the light that will remain,
In every moment, a fresh start.
For in this void, we're not alone,
Our spirits guide us through the night;
In absence of the stars we've known,
We find our own eternal light.
"The video artwork juxtaposes the unraveling of silk cloth with an illustration of a man staring into a void, searching for stars. The fluid movement of the cloth symbolizes the expansion of the universe, while the title of the prompt invites the viewer to reflect on the absence of stars and the personal quest for meaning or light within darkness."