Blog Choose Your Threshold? "In the dance of life, choose the step of the soul, for it knows no bounds and feels no stress, unlike the mind's fleeting duress" CJB
Blog The Sauna of Happiness "Happiness isn't found only in the heat of the sauna, but in embracing both the warmth and the coolness of life's full spectrum" CJB
Blog Are You Living in the Light or the Darkness? "Cast off darkness, embrace the light of soul happiness today" CJB
Blog Why Propagate? "Propagate kindness like seeds in the wind, and watch as soul happiness blooms in every corner of your world TODAY" CJB
Blog Anxiety Rollercoaster: Navigating the Ups and Downs "Embrace the climb of anxiety, for it leads to the exhilarating descent of soul happiness" CJB
Blog Email Happiness! "Clear your inbox, clear your mind; find happiness in the simplicity of today" CJB
Blog The Descent to Soulfulness "In the descent into one's soul, we discover the ascent to true happiness" CJB
Blog The Wise Planaria "From the humble planaria, learn life's lesson: even the smallest can regenerate and thrive" CJB
Blog What 3 Things Can You Do TODAY to Feel Happiness? "Happiness is not a destination, it's a journey you can start TODAY by being soulful, creative, and kind" CJB
Blog The Notion of Devotion "Devotion is not measured by the ease of love, but by the depth of sacrifice in the darkest moments" CJB