Rhythm Up Above

There is so much happiness to dance to...

Rhythm Up Above

Rhythm Up Above:

Dance to the rhythm...
Love to the beat of your heart...
Smile with each new dawn...

This post (and the song above) follow on from THIS FIRST ONE!

This is a great opportunity for me to provide you with a catch up on WTF is going on with CJB 😆!

So first of all. The title of this post "Rhythm Up Above". Like many of the posts which have flooded the blog since it was never launched (yes it is true, I still have not officially launched this website) they are mostly all to do with the wonderful addiction and love I have for the social media daily prompt called #vss365 and its incredible community. Finally after decades of being on the internet I have found a place where there are some really kind-hearted people, and genuinely so.

If you have been following my journey for the last few months you will see that I hosted the daily prompt. Here is some more info and all of the hosting video shows I did. So, yes, I have been taken (in a great way) in the direction of #vss365. However, the amazing thing is my blog was never meant to be about a prompt and it is still isn't.

I am currently writing The Power of Everything and that is centrally what my blog is all about. The dilemma I have had since the beginning of making this blog public is I cannot say too much about it BECAUSE the book needs to be published to give you the background context. I suppose to find a rough comparison it would be like James Clear trying to get into deep discussions about his book "Atomic Habits" without his book actually being published. It just feels weird.

So, yes, I am focusing on writing my book before I can really find my groove in what I want to show you. For example, I will be doing more shows where I talk, you may even see my beautiful face 😍 on video from time to time, and possibly in real life, talking at conferences.

Having said that, what I have been able to get across in my #vss365 posting and everything else I have touched so far, is that I want to spread kindness and love, genuinely. I especially want to help people going through tough days to get through them with perhaps a cheerful poem or video creation. Having literally grown my following by thousands within weeks, I feel that message is thankfully getting out there.

So to recap, I love #vss365, I am addicted to it and the beautiful community, but I realize I have to try and reign myself back in a bit and focus on my book first. It will be hard to do. I have chiseled away at the book each day. Some days are harder depending on the level of caring I have to do for my elderly dad... Or life in general can throw spanners in the works.

My book is now around 350 pages. I keep adding to it! I just have so many lessons and bits of wisdom I have uncovered about life, love and everything. Ones that really do work without the BS. And I am desperate to share them with you. It is kind of my legacy. Leaving behind something that will really help you avoid suffering and live a very happy rest of life.

And Finally - 2 things and I will let you get on!

The first is to explain that the video below was going to be a bonus video for subscribers only. However, because today's #vss365 prompt word is "Rhythm" and because it was already in the poem of yesterday, I decided to just release the video for free to help bring more joy to your senses. It really does just captivate how INCREDIBLE women are and the positive energy that comes from their beauty, their caring, their motherhood, their sisterhood... I can keep going all day!

And just to keep in with the unwritten rule of #vss365 I will leave you with a 5-7-5 haiku poem which does specifically cover the prompt word.

You take care! Peace and love - Keep being you!