Remember Me
"Love never fades—once we're gone, our souls set each other free, glowing brighter every day, from now, until eternity" CJB

Remember Me
When I'm gone, remember me,
Think of us, set our love free.
Your kiss, I still recall—
Sweet lips, champagne smiles,
Blue eye shadow, a love that beguiles.
A memory of you, it's all I've craved,
Why were promises deleted, not saved?
I hope you think of how we glowed,
Hotter than lava before it's slowed.
Now I'm adrift, an outlier,
In a place I can't call ours.
My soul awaits, to intertwine,
To touch your hair, silky and fine.
Your voice, I can't forget,
A singer, and a lover—
Such things I can't regret.
Still something lingers, I'm incomplete,
I seek a sign, for our souls to meet.
Until then...
When I'm gone, remember me,
Think of us, set our love free.
I will leave you to guess if this poem mostly based on fact or fiction. I want to leave the mystery. But I want to underline the power of love it inspires.
It doesn't matter if you have had your heart broken by someone. The experience of loving someone is what counts.
And guess what?!
You can imagine any outcome you want in the next life. So run with love, let your imagination make you happy at the thought you are and will be loved perfectly forever more.
Take care of yourself. As always---hope to see you in the comments.