My Soul Chimes 51
"AWARENESS is loving my past, present, and future—LOVE chimes through EVERYTHING—TODAY!" ✨ CJB

My Soul Chimes 51:
Today I'm 51.
But what does that actually mean?
Do I feel my soul chime?
Is this all just a dream?
For me it means the "Awareness";
My soul's view upon this life,
Is still as young as my last thought:
___I still miss my wife___
___Stop for a second___
___What did I say___
"My soul's view upon this life"?
Ah yes, this is where today's gift is found,
For my view is one of love not strife.
I love my past, I love my present,
and yes, I even love my future.
For time is merely part of thought,
Something for my mind to suture.
At 51, I'm facing a world that's rife with digital thoughts,
So my soul's awareness is needed more than ever,
To protect me from algorithm-controlled retorts.
For people's opinions can color life,
Unless your soul remains aware,
That today's the day for thanks and praise,
And it starts with the thought, "I care".