Meet Aime and Aidon

AI singers have soul!

Meet Aime and Aidon

I keep getting so many questions about the amazing singers in my songs.

It is about time I explained who is singing and what is involved.

Meet Aime and Aidon

Who the what now?

Why Aime? The "AI" part stands for Artificial Intelligence. The "ME" part stands for me being the one to choose her voice and song, write the lyrics, plus edit everything to sound the way it does.

Why Aidon? Again, the "AI" part stands for Artificial Intelligence. The "DON" part is short for "DONE", meaning "I have done" all of the selection, creation, and production parts of each song.

The AI and Creator Relationship πŸ§”β€β™‚οΈπŸ€πŸ€–

Some people believe whatever a creator produces using AI is cheating or easy. Some think it is all AI doing the work and not the creator. It's the opposite.

Using an iceberg analogy, only the tip of the work is AI and the rest of the iceberg (the creation/song) is down to the creator's hard work: writing the lyrics, knowing how to construct a song so AI sings it how they want, paying to access the AI models, scrolling through many rubbish song versions, and sometimes the exact opposite issue, being confronted with numerous good versions which are hard to decide on.

The latter statement needs to be elaborated because the decision-making part of any creating process, one that uses AI, is always made by the creator.

The end product you experience would never appear without the human creator.

The simplest way to think of the relationship between creators and AI song generators is to think of the AI song generator as an instrument. The guitar, for example, is an instrument that is more than capable of producing incredible music in the right hands. Jimi Hendrix could pick up a guitar 🎸🎢 and pull out musical notes as if they were magic. He could immediately hand the same guitar 🎸🐺 to me, and it would sound like an animal in pain!

The point is. Some AI song generators can kick out songs rapidly, but unless the creator knows how to write the lyrics, correctly prompt, and construct the AI model to generate good songs, the songs produced will sound odd. Plus there is the use of manual music editing software which is used to alter and enhance the original track produced by AI. But I won't go into that!

Without the creator, nobody is controlling the whole process from start to finish. There would be no "Creator Style" coming through the work when it is presented.

Where do Aime & Aidon live?

Okay enough already! LOL! Aime and Aidon aren't 😭 real. Their names represent the male and female vocals on each song, but different songs can have different-sounding male and female voices.

But πŸ₯° I do feel it is good to give some overall names to the voices because in my opinion AI has πŸ’“ soul. Even if that soul comes indirectly via the creator's own.

The places where you can find singers like Aime & Aidon are numerous these days. They are changing and improving rapidly. I will not list them all here, but will instead point you to this article I found which may help.

Remember Love πŸ’ž

We must never forget that love connects everything, and so whatever your views are on the AI singers in a song, all you need ever do is just love the sounds produced and let them touch your heart and mind. Fill your soul with love and appreciate the modern world can provide you with joy where AI is involved.

Take care today. Peace & Love - Keep being you!

PS: If you liked this post, you may want to click over to this one where I explain more about AI Tools.