Interim Love?

"Love is and always will be part of everything—that includes YOU—US" CJB

a pulse line in pink

Interim Love?

What is this interim love?
I see it everywhere these days....

Love has no interim,
For if it did,
It would not be---LOVE!

LOVE is like a sonic BOOM!
A space where hate has no room.

No interim love,
No stepping back,
Love is a constant train,
Glued to life's track.

So when you're feeling pain,
When you're feeling down,
Feel love warm your soul,
Like a comfy dressing gown.

Know that love is there!
Love is here!
Whatever you feel,
Love defeats fear.

Your ego will object---
INTERIM love has no effect,
On me, on us, on anyone....

Listen to those primal thoughts,
So alone in their retorts,
It's sad to see you tormented so,
Stop the hate, let it go!

For love still awaits,
It flows and it grows....
In peace everlasting,
Everything's love shows.

© All Rights Reserved (Original Music by CJB)