I Lost The Plot Today

"Finding the plot is when the fun starts!" - CJB

I Lost The Plot Today

I Lost The Plot Today:

Hello, it's me, CJB! ❤️

Have you ever felt like you've lost the plot in life? You know, that moment when everything seems to be going haywire, and you can't remember why you're even doing what you're doing? It's like you've misplaced your purpose, your focus, or even your passion for the everyday. Trust me, I've been there—lost in the labyrinth of life's challenges, feeling as aimless as a leaf in a storm.

But here's the thing, when you've discovered your soul happiness and truly understand how to LOVE—EVERYTHING—TODAY through SOUL ACTS, you find yourself wrapped in an unending embrace of love that keeps you centered, no matter what life throws at you.

When Humans Lose The Plot:

We lose the plot in various chapters of our lives. Here's how it happens:

❤️ After Big Changes: Whether it's a career shift, moving to a new city, or the end of a relationship, these upheavals can make us question our direction.

❤️ Midlife Crisis (+Menopause!): That cliché moment when you wonder, "Is this all there is?" can feel like you've lost the script of your life. The menopause crisis speaks for itself (sending love and empathy)!

❤️ Trauma and Loss: Losing someone dear or experiencing a traumatic event can shake the very foundation of our existence, leaving us adrift in our own story.

❤️ Routine and Boredom: Sometimes, it's not the big dramas but the monotony of daily life that makes us forget why we started on this path.

❤️ External Pressures: Society, family, or work can push us into roles that don't fit who we are, causing us to lose sight of our true plot.

❤️ Aging: As the years add up, the narrative of youth and endless possibilities begins to fade. Aging can bring with it a sense of irrelevance or fear of what's left to achieve, leading many to question their life's plot. The physical changes, the slowing down, and the approach of mortality can blur the lines of what once was clear.

Finding Your Way Back with Soul Happiness:

But, oh, the beauty of finding your soul happiness! Here's how SOUL ACTS can script your life back into focus:

❤️ Act with Love: Every action from a place of love is a soul act. When you choose to love, even in the smallest ways—like smiling at a stranger or appreciating the sunset—you reconnect with your purpose. Love becomes your compass.

❤️ Embrace Everything: When you understand that everything, in its chaotic beauty, is part of your journey, you stop fighting the plot and start flowing with it. This acceptance is a soul act of profound peace.

❤️ Live in the Now: Soul happiness isn't about waiting for the next chapter; it's about cherishing the current page. By engaging in soul acts today, you find joy in the present, not in some distant "when."

❤️ Heal Through Creation: Whether it's writing, painting, or singing, creating is a soul act that reminds you of your inner light. It's a way to express and heal, bringing you back to your core purpose.

❤️ Connect Beyond Yourself: When you act through your soul, you connect not just with others but with the universe. This connection is like a plot twist that reminds you you're never alone.

Never Lose the Plot Again:

Once you've touched soul happiness, the plot of your life becomes less about external markers of success or failure and more about the internal journey of love and connection. Here’s why:

❤️ You Feel Loved: When you act through your soul, you realize that love is not something you need to seek; it's within you, boundless and ever-present. This realization makes you feel loved, supported, and on track.

❤️ No More Fear: Understanding that love is the answer to everything dissolves fear. With less fear, you're more open to life's adventures, ensuring you never truly lose your way.

❤️ Constant Purpose: Your purpose becomes living in love, which is a purpose that doesn't disappear with life's ups and downs. It's a plot that keeps unfolding, always engaging.

❤️ Resilience: Soul acts teach resilience. When life tries to knock you off your narrative, you bounce back with love, maintaining your course.

So, if you're feeling like you've lost the plot, remember: your soul is your guide back home. Engage in soul acts, love everything today, and let soul happiness be the plot twist that keeps your story beautiful, meaningful, and on track forever.

Stay soulfully on course, my friends! LOVE—EVERYTHING—TODAY! ♥️

P.S. Dive deeper into living through soul acts with my book, "The Soul Acts," coming this Spring 2025 (if hand issues allow)! Let's keep this love story going.

Hey, just thought, if you liked this walk and talk show then you may like this first one!

Here's my haiku poem for the vss365 daily prompt: Disarmed!

When you feel disarmed
Your soul is a shield of hope
The plot remains love ❤️