How To Cope When Today Feels Like The Brown Stuff

"Rainbows after rain? Nah. Rainbows during the storm!" CJB

cjb artwork of womans face in swirls of brown

How To Cope When Today Feels Like The Brown Stuff

Okay, let's be real. Some days, life throws you curveballs, lately, for me, they have been heavy flints! If today feels like you've stepped in something unpleasant, and it's blinding your senses from feeling the power of your soul. Please give this post a moment of your time.

You are not alone. We all have these days. Ones where even the emoji rainbows and red hearts seem to have lost their color. The ones where you're asking, "Seriously, universe? Is this a joke?"

First things first: Don't pretend it's not happening. Don't shove those feelings down and slap on a fake smile. That's not how we souls roll here. We face the brown stuff head-on. 💩 Emoji too soon?! Sorry.

Step 1: Acknowledge the Stink.

Yes, today stinks. It's okay to say it. It's okay to feel it. Let it out. Scream into a pillow. Write it down in your journal. Draw a picture of a giant brown blob. Whatever works for you. Just don't bottle it up. Is now okay 💩 👍

Step 2: Find Your Soul's Air Freshener.

What makes you feel even a tiny bit better? Is it music? Art? A poem? A walk in nature? Talking to a friend? Do that thing. Even if it's just for five minutes.

For me, it's usually writing a quick poem or listening to some music. I crank up some '' tunes that speak to my soul, and suddenly, the brown stuff doesn't seem quite as overwhelming. Or I'll walk my dog. It’s about finding that release.

Step 3: Remember, This Too Shall Pass (Yeah, I Said It).

Cliché? Maybe. But true. Today feels like the end of the world, but it's not. It's just today. And tomorrow is a new day. A fresh start.

Step 4: Act Through Your Soul, Even When It's Hard.

This is where the SOUL ACTS come in. Even when you feel like crap, you can still choose to act with kindness and love. To yourself, and to others. It's not about ignoring the pain; it's about not letting it define you.

Remember, your human-animal brain will try to convince you to wallow in the brown stuff. It loves drama. But your soul? Your soul knows better.

Step 5: Connect to the Body of Everything (BoE).

Even in your worst moments, you're not alone. You're connected to EVERYTHING. To the universe. To every other soul out there. Feel that connection. Let it remind you that you're part of something bigger.


Yeah, even the brown stuff. Because even in the mess, there's a lesson. There's growth. There's a chance to turn pain into something beautiful.

So, go ahead. Feel the feels. Then, choose to act. Choose to create. Choose to love. Because that's how we turn the brown stuff into something… well, less brown.

And if all else fails, remember: you're not alone in this. We're all in this together. And tomorrow? Tomorrow, we'll paint rainbows and hearts.

Stay rebellious, stay soulful.


P.S. If you're really struggling, reach out. Talk to someone. You're not alone. And there's always help available.