Email Happiness!

"Clear your inbox, clear your mind; find happiness in the simplicity of today" CJB

man with laptop smiling in field with angel rainbow wings

Today, I'm going to bring you immense happiness in the simplest of ways!

Unless you're living in a cabin with no internet, high in the mountains, you're very likely using email.

If, like me, you receive emails for everything—bills, spam, sales, etc.—then your email inbox probably looks like an ants' nest.

You've probably clicked and tagged so many that those emails are now lost in a sea of labels.

Well, don't worry because you're about to do something liberating.

The feeling you get will be quite profound, yet it is so easy to do.

What do you have to do to get this happiness feeling?


Yes, you've got it! Go to your email inbox and select all of your emails. Now click archive! Ensure you do this for all pages of emails in your inbox until you are staring at an empty inbox.

What's that? You cannot archive because there are so many emails you wish to keep, they're important!

This is where your soul happiness is being smothered with human-animal fear. Irrational fear, which coincidentally is the root cause of phobias being seeded in your mind. It's no different. The reality is that by archiving your emails, you will not be facing imminent death. You will be absolutely fine.

The reality with email is you will get more reminders if you need to pay something; for example, a utility bill will keep sending you automated emails—they want to get paid!

So use this to your advantage now by archiving all of your emails in one massive cleanse.

Make it fun! Put on a silly hat, or wear those silly yellow glasses like the ones in my profile image! Smile whilst you do it; feel the happiness feeling explode from within.

And perhaps repeat this exercise every week, heck, maybe even at the end of each day. Why not put on some music too, like my first debut single, "SUMMER RAIN "!!

Oh, and I've saved the best for last! Guess what? This cleansing and happiness apply to your worries too! Use the same method. If you have a head full of worries, archive them, better yet, delete them! What has a worry ever accomplished besides making the worrier feel worse?

Life is too short, live for today—TODAY!

Love you, ciao!