
You are always responsible for what you do.

*General Disclaimer: 

To avoid all legal disputes this has to be read and adhered to. It does not in any way tarnish the excellent content provided on this blog. It is being mentioned to highlight that anyone who wishes to act on what they listen to and or view via the Christian Jacques Bennett (CJB) brand must always seek their own professional advice to ensure their situation is assessed. It is important that you protect yourself from any risk and or harm. You always retain the responsibility to do your own risk assessment. Please always do your own due diligence. Please also note sometimes affiliate links may be used. You have been warned.

Cookie Disclaimer:

By viewing content and clicking links on this website (We) you automatically agree to understanding that we may use cookies as part of the user experience. This relates to the EU Cookie Legislation. A cookie is a small amount of data generated by a website and saved by your web browser. Its purpose is to remember information about you, similar to a preference file created by a software application. Analytics – for example – uses cookies to track demographic data. Passwords can also be stored by your browser by using cookies to automatically auto-fill the password field to save you time when you visit the website. Therefore cookies related to how you use this website may be collected. By interacting with this website, cookies relating to you can be stored by your browser and other third party integrations therefore it is very important to note that by using this website you are consenting to this.


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GDPR Compliance | Privacy & Security

This website complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulation as set out HERE. It does this by adhering to the advice supplied by the Information Commissioner’s Office as set out HERE. It is very important to note that by viewing pages and clicking the links of this website you are consenting to your involvement with the GDPR regulations such as the use and management of your personal information. Any queries you have relating to this law should be made clear by contacting us. If you do not agree with our policies please opt out by not visiting this website anymore once you are satisfied all your data queries have been dealt with.

Good Intentions:

All material on this website has been added with good intentions. If you are upset at what you have seen Contact CJB immediately so he can try to resolve your issues. All blog posts are written based on a moment in time; time will sometimes change a person’s viewpoint so you are advised to understand from the outset that the words you read are subject to change as are their connotations.

Link Disclaimer:

Occasionally this website may use affiliate links whereby a tiny profit is made if you click the link and then purchase something as part of the affiliate tracked user flow. If you do not purchase something and or the cookie tracking connection to the affiliate link is broken then no fee is made. Not all products and services linked to involve any fee earning. We cannot be held responsible for any third party websites and their products and services, please always make sure you understand their own terms, conditions and policies.

Offers & Subscriptions:

All offers and subscriptions are subject to change. Please always Contact CJB for the latest full terms and conditions.


By viewing a page on this website and clicking a link you are confirming your consent to abide by our data terms and conditions and privacy policies. This means some data relating to you might be stored on our servers. For example if you sign up to become a user and receive a profile page, your name and email is considered data stored by us. We need such data so that you can log back in whenever you wish to view and amend your profile details. This information is not likely to be passed on to any third party. If you opt into a form which involves the need to use a third party then your details may be passed on, if you click a link to an external service appropriate personal information maybe transferred, for example if you are claiming 50% off an Amazon purchase your analytics may follow you from this website to Amazon.com this is considered a legal and sensible form of normal data collection which is designed to serve your personal needs as appropriately and easily as is possible, giving you a great user experience. Submitting information to us via a form and or subscription is also seen as you approving of us using the submitted information to best serve your needs. At all costs we aim to safeguard your data and hope you understand that it is in our best interest to do so.


Once you keep viewing / using any part of this website – you are automatically agreeing to the use of cookies – but you may also change your mind and choose to opt-out of browser cookie tracking. You can do this by following these two steps:

  1. First check which browser/s you have used when visiting this website and delete all of the stored information held within each browser.
  2. Once cookies have been deleted never visit this website again or you will have to consent to the use of cookies all over again. Plus to be cautious, you can install this free Avira Browser Safety extension to a Chrome browser to block cookies.

If you are still concerned what cookie related information may have been stored please contact us directly via our contact details.


We respect the privacy of our website users. Our website promises to safeguard user information unless otherwise stated. Security is a primary concern and every attempt is made to keep your information secure, however with hacking, virus and malware technology ever changing we cannot promise your information will be forever protected; we can only promise to do our best to withhold it from others. If we feel there is valid reason to share information to better your user experience then this action may be taken.