Crescendo Slide

Go with the flow, enjoy the ride...

Crescendo Slide

Crescendo means to have reached the highest peak,
but what does that mean after it has been reached?

I have felt this way for every social media post made,
thinking from now on my imagination's bleached.

Do we ever reach a highest point in something,
or do opinions differ, some wanting more, some less?

As a creator, as a lover, a person who genuinely cares,
crescendos are like the top of slides, I happily digress.

You reach the top, a place you can look around,
you feel the pleasure as your mind takes it all in.

But the true joy comes from the crescendo slide,
jumping off the peak, and enjoying the ride.

The ride consists of many emotional things,
the death of a loved one, marriage, a child who sings.

So enjoy the peaks, enjoy the slide, keep on sliding, never hide!

Today's your day, crescendo or not, now's the time, give it your best shot!