Cluster of Love

Don't be fooled about what you are....

Cluster of Love

You're not fooling anyone,
With your racism,
Your wars,
Your cluster bombs.

Yeah sure you dominate the news,
You use social media to change views,
But I know,
I can see,
You're not fooling anyone,
Especially not me!

You and I we are one and the same,
It doesn't matter if we have a different name.

Because our spirits they intertwine like vines from above,
Go on! Zoom in! You'll see - we're just a cluster of love.

I see you drumming up hate,
With your anger,
Your guile,
Your innocent smile.

Yeah sure you say yours is the only way to go,
You confuse and abuse so people follow you in tow,
But I know,
I can see,
You're not fooling anyone,
Especially not me!

You and I we are one and the same,
It doesn't matter if we have a different name.

Because our spirits they intertwine like vines from above,
Go on! Zoom in! You'll see - we're just a cluster of love.

I see you and your protests,
Your high moral ground,
Your causes,
Your news reports.

Yeah sure you say the world is going to end,
Get obsessed and you'll go round the bend,
But I know,
I can see,
You're not fooling anyone,
Especially not me!

You and I we are one and the same,
It doesn't matter if we have a different name.

Because our spirits they intertwine like vines from above,
Go on! Zoom in! You'll see - we're just a cluster of love.

I see you and your new boyfriend,
Your "my life's better without you" posts,
Your smiles,
Your hidden ghosts.

Yeah sure the love we had has been hidden,
Don't mention marriage vows they're forbidden,
But I know,
I can see,
You're not fooling anyone,
Especially not me!

You and I we are one and the same,
It doesn't matter if we have a different name.

Because our spirits they intertwine like vines from above,
Go on! Zoom in! You'll see - we're just a cluster of love.

That's it! Now you get it! It's time to forgive and to forget it. Peace.