Christian Jacques Bennett

🌈 Unlock your mind, body, & soul with me CJBβ€”a quirky coach, rebel artist, & spiritual maverick helping you play with EVERYTHING life throws at you!

YES! Let's play (even with the tough stuff life throws at usβ€” especially that stuff)! Heck, let's make "EVERYTHING" our eternal playground!

On this blog and my social network spaces, I encourage you to explore your soul creatively, develop your inner powers, and find joy in the unexpected. You are always in control of creating the life you choose (more in my latest book).

Through my maverick approach to playful art, music, writing, and chatting, I invite you to question reality. Together let's challenge norms, and unlock the extraordinary (magic) within you and EVERYTHING connected to your soul.

Whether it's through sculpting, painting, AI creations, poetry, short stories, or an emotionally charged song, I believe art and creativity are the gateway to relaxation and ongoing happiness.

I realize my ideas are quirky - but don’t worry - I do still understand the "real world"β€” sometimes though, you have to ask, who decides what is real? Lesson 1 has begun...

Career Journey ...

So you want to know more about my career journey? Firstly, thank you for being interested. Let's dive in. Like you, my life has unraveled in ways I would have never foreseen. I've experienced love, loss, heartache and all the rest that life throws our way. So what makes me someone you may want to follow and be influenced by? Simple. I have found the secret to living a contented soulful life that costs nothing. For over 50 years I have gained enough life experience to be able to analyze life and everything and I found answers. GREAT answers! Ones that everyone should be reminded of. They are truths that our egos hide. Truths about who YOU really are and how the SOUL is central to experiencing a soulful life. And yes I am writing a book about it... Don't worry, I am not a cult leader! I am not a - okay I may be a weirdo, but a proud one! I am also (and I don't mind bragging because it is just true) a very kind human being. One who cares about other humans. This empathy and caring nature may be innate, but I think because I've worked in so many jobs, I've also gained valuable perspectives of how people feel leading me to understand their soulful yearnings, their challenges and to sincerely care. It's an honor to have worked with many wonderful humans, all trying to get through their lives and beat the "system". My work experiences range from agricultural work, real estate work, sales, shop work, cleaning, truck driving, radio & TV presenting, emptying cesspools, cooking, waiting, spectacles making, refuse collection, business consultancy, caring, temping, management, executive management, road sweeping, building work, project management, programme & PMO management, directing, coaching, marketing, designing, creating.... and the list can go on! Let's just say that I have been around the work block and that experience has given me a super power in understanding and appreciating others. I also have a BSc degree in psychology, creative writing and linguistics, plus many certifications like NLP Master Practitioner. I believe all these things help to ensure my creations are relatable and meaningful, helping you to find a part of your soul in each work and be inspired to create and live a soulful life.

I recommend you grab these books to learn why I am so fascinated with the soul and why you should be.

Play with these 🌈

Stuff I create/d ...

β–ͺ️ I create* books, videos, poetry, songs, and yes artworks too that you can view and some you can buy* in this blog (which is kind of a magical "Wonka Gallery" for my creations to live) and together they float across my social media, attracting and entertaining thousands of happy followers.

β–ͺ️ I have written a contemporary version of the Tao Te Ching. A 2600-year-old book of philosophy & wisdom, that helps quieten your chatterbox mind and guides you to make harmonious decisions. The book is called The Way of Everything.

β–ͺ️ Right now, I am writing a book which is a spiritual self-help book. It explores and resolves who "YOU" really are and what you are a part of. Most importantly it explores what "Soul Powers" you have at your disposal, to create incredible life experiences (that cost nothing). The book is called The Power of Everything; this blog revolves around its many forgotten truths. Truths that will help you live the best life possible.

*Buying my artworks: Almost every single bit of artwork you see on this blog might be for sale. Simply contact me to ask if it is. Everything is certified, this can be done via an NFT process or a good old fashioned hand signed certificate. Get in touch and let's chat.

How I Create ...

I orchestrate every tiny detail shown in a post. That means I write, edit, compose, produce everything you see and hear. I find a huge amount of satisfaction that way. So in a usual "CJB" blog post I will have followed these creative steps:

1. Written the lyrics / poem / blog post

2. Created the artwork. Generally I use AI text-to-image to generate the artwork*

*It is important to note that my artwork is unique to me and takes much effort. Although AI is involved, it is my poem/lyrics that form the initial images. I then filter out, shape, and choose a final image. After it's downloaded, I always alter the image further to make it even more unique; an artwork that would have never been created had it not been for my involvement. In an age where everyone now has access to AI it is important that anything I produce has my creator DNA imprinted on it.

3. Created the song. I use AI for song creation too, but it is definitely not easy and takes a lot of crafting. I wrote about AI and how it is not what you think: HERE.

4. Created the video. I use software and edit and arrange everything in the video, from images, to background videos etc. The full production is me only.

The gist of what I am saying here is... everything I create would not have been created, or look like it does, if it were not for my personal and unique input. Hopefully you will be able to spot when I have created something and know that it has the "CJB" mark on it.

Why this button appears below my creations?

This is going to sound crazy - I mean REALLY πŸ¦‡ BATSH*T πŸ’© CRAZY!

Find out what ...

There is something called money and the world seems to want it. I mean only yesterday I needed food and had to pay for it! What the fluck? Next I'll have to pay to live on some land!?... Okay, enough of my deliciously rare sarcasm.

I'm an artist! Most artists die penniless. Why? Because they love what they do and most people don't! Bummer. They don't create for fame or fortune, they do it because their souls MUST create something oftenβ€” and I am no different.

I hope I do make it. I hope my work gets some recognition, but let's face it, this online space is crowded, attention spans areβ€” have you goneβ€” see what I mean?? If you are still here, thank you.

All I ask, without expectation, is that if you ever get some joy 🌈 from one of my creations, please feel free to like it by tipping any amount from $1β€” YES! $1 is enough to set my soul on fire, although if you are feeling generous you can alter the amount and tip more. Oh and don't be afraid to tip more than once!

Anyhow, I think you realize what the button is for.

Hey, imagine if one billion souls paid me $1β€” That's right! The tax office would get most of it πŸ˜‚!

Keep reading! I know you want to... almost there! If you reach the bottom of this page I will happily like and leave some comments on your social media, just let me know!? I've got your back if you've got mine. Just don't stab it! I'm sensitive that way.

Something Random:

Daily prompts ...

In June 2024, I developed a creator's guilty pleasure. I am referring to a daily poetry prompt, across social media, which is called #vss365. It took over this blog (which still hasn't officially launched) and I don't apologize! It was a wonderful springboard into a whole new community of amazing people. It stoked my inner fire and got the creative juices flowing. I do not regret sending my blog into a different, unplanned direction to the one I initially intended. And this is a perfect example of just "going with the flow" and "not worrying what others think" ultimately please always: DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO! PLAY! ENJOY YOURSELF! And write in capitals if it helps! I still follow #vss365 it will always have a special place in my heart. I also use the #creating365 daily prompt which I started right here. If you are a creator who likes to play daily, I recommend you use them to regularly inspire your creativity. I felt I needed to mention prompts because if you are new to this blog you may wonder what many of my posts relate to, hopefully this explains.

Ready for the BIG Finale?

Don't be. There isn't one. About this blog, which is kinda what this page should be "About". I realize I've broken most of the staging (i.e. when you keep a new website hidden) rules of launching a new website... but heck I'm LOVING every second of being a rule breaker!

I shouldn't be making anything public until everything is ready, but that's where we all go wrong. Society has become obsessed with ensuring everything is 100% ready before making any move - I say MOVE! JUST MOVE! What are you waiting for?

Don't regret anything. And keep moving forward. And smile!

Following this blog will keep you awakened and inspired. Trust me there is a WHOLE lot more that is going to happen with my creations and this blog, things you won't want to miss!

To stay in touch please follow me on social media. I promise to play with my creative soul as often as possible, and throw in the occasional surprise so you will never get bored but soulfully turned on!

Peace & Love,

*Read CJB's thoughts on AI as a creative tool.