Can We Rebuild from Animosity?

Life has no time for animosity...

Can We Rebuild from Animosity?

in the space between us,
a cavern carved by unspoken words,
a chasm etched by misunderstandings.

your silence, a barbed wire fence,
keeping me at bay, a trespasser
in the garden of your thoughts.

my tongue, a loaded gun,
words left unfired,
a silent war brewing.

we used to build bridges,
now we toss stones from opposite sides,
hoping the other side crumbles first.

but in the quiet of this animosity,
a flicker of what we were,
a shared sunrise, a whispered secret.

can we rebuild from the rubble?
lay down our weapons,
unclench our fists?

or are we destined to be strangers,
forever bound by the echo
of a love that turned bitter?